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Pedagogical intervention using gemology in technical mining courses

Arol Josue Rojas

Yarlis Yaneth Conde Herrera



The present research aims to achieve the knowledge of a Pedagogical Intervention carried out in two Mining Courses in Professional and Technological Education (EPT), specifically in the discipline of Mineralogy, where the role of experimental activities in Geosciences can indicate whether the objectives indicated in the Curricular Pedagogical Proposal are fully achieved or not. Therefore, to give an emphasis to the incorporation of practical activities aimed at the development of procedural skills and the promotion of a comprehensive understanding of the specific principles of Gemology and its context. Therefore, in this research, through a Pedagogical Intervention Proposal, we tried to influence teaching through the development of experimental activities that were specified in the creation of a Manual of Gemological Minerals and the construction and distribution of Didactic Kits of these minerals for the realization of practical activities. In this way, improving the knowledge of the professors, as well as the students involved in the Mining Courses of the Mineralogy Discipline. After the Pedagogical Intervention, an advance in the knowledge of the area addressed was identified, as well as an institutional interest in the experimental activity in the teaching of Geosciences, as well as in the participating population due to the continuous training on the subject. In the same way, the potential of pedagogical interventions for the development of research in Geosciences was identified.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Arol Josue Rojas , Yarlis Yaneth Conde Herrera


  • Arol Josue Rojas
  • Yarlis Yaneth Conde Herrera