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Development of an investigative teaching sequence as learning tools of the anatomy and physiology content of the human nervous system

Teodoro WL;
Soares GA;
Silva EN;
Alves ACS;
Brito FP;
Ribeiro FFS;
Carvalho MRMA;
Ferreira TC;
Alves WS

Wilton Linhares Teodoro

Gualberto de Abreu Soares

Eptácio Neco da Silva

Antônio Celso da Silva Alves

Francisco Pereira de Brito

Francisca Faustilene de Silva Ribeiro

Millena Raimunda Martins de Almeida Carvalho

Tupinambá Coutinho Ferreira

Wellington dos Santos Alves


Learning lab
Investigative teaching sequence
Learning tool
Nervous system


The search for quality in education involves the study, analysis and reflection of pedagogical strategies such as the Sequence of Teaching by Inquiry (SEI), leading the student to the critical development of the contents worked. This work aims at the application of a CES focused on the teaching and learning of the content of the Human Nervous System. Didactic strategies and educational games are methods that can involve the student in a new learning experience and that have been increasingly used in different areas of Education, favoring teaching compared to the more traditional method. This work was carried out with students of the 2nd year of a high school, located in the municipality of Tianguá, where semi-structured questionnaires were applied, dynamics, classes and a sequence of teaching by investigation (SEI) were carried out in the search for a greater interaction of students with the content and the promotion of a more interesting and investigative study. It is worth noting that the content of Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Nervous System is considered complex for students, with regard to the relationship between structure and functioning, and that the search for resources that promote learning is important.  In addition, the questionnaires were analyzed in order to identify whether there was progress in the students' learning.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Wilton Linhares Teodoro, Gualberto de Abreu Soares, Eptácio Neco da Silva, Antônio Celso da Silva Alves, Francisco Pereira de Brito, Francisca Faustilene de Silva Ribeiro, Millena Raimunda Martins de Almeida Carvalho, Tupinambá Coutinho Ferreira, Wellington dos Santos Alves


  • Wilton Linhares Teodoro
  • Gualberto de Abreu Soares
  • Eptácio Neco da Silva
  • Antônio Celso da Silva Alves
  • Francisco Pereira de Brito
  • Francisca Faustilene de Silva Ribeiro
  • Millena Raimunda Martins de Almeida Carvalho
  • Tupinambá Coutinho Ferreira
  • Wellington dos Santos Alves