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Pedagogical work organization and environmental education practices within basic education accounted for in master’s thesis from graduate programs at the Federal University of Pará

Glaice da Silva Nascimento

Dilcélia Rodrigues Alves

José Bettencourt da Silva

Ostelia Regina dos Santos Alves

Raimundo de Jesus dos Santos Souza

Sheyla Rosanna Oliveira Moraes



The article presents a descriptive and quantitative study whose objective is the analysis of dissertations that had as their object of study the pedagogical practices of Environmental Education in Basic Education, with an emphasis on research linked to stricto sensu postgraduate programs at the Federal University of Pará ( UFPA). The problem is the data obtained specifically from master's courses in the areas of Teaching and Teacher Training selected in the literature defended between 2005 and 2022 at this institution. The problem question for the construction of the work was: What is the relationship between scientific production and pedagogical practice on the basic school floor? The method used was bibliographic and documentary research, 33 dissertations were identified that address Environmental Education practices in Basic Education. The result found from this quantitative were five productions that directly address the organization of pedagogical work and Environmental Education in Basic Education in the Amazon of Pará. It is concluded that the relationship between production and pedagogical practice has been developing in a positive way for education in Pará.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Glaice da Silva Nascimento, Dilcélia Rodrigues Alves , José Bettencourt da Silva, Ostelia Regina dos Santos Alves, Raimundo de Jesus dos Santos Souza , Sheyla Rosanna Oliveira Moraes


  • Glaice da Silva Nascimento
  • Dilcélia Rodrigues Alves
  • José Bettencourt da Silva
  • Ostelia Regina dos Santos Alves
  • Raimundo de Jesus dos Santos Souza
  • Sheyla Rosanna Oliveira Moraes