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Epidemiological profile of patients with psoriasis

Juliana Cogo

Diego Henrique Rudnick dos Santos

Ana Sara Martins de Campos

Giandra Azolini Fernandes de Souza

Rosinei de Freitas

Mônica Micheli Alexandre

Mariana Moraes Pinc

Guilherme Donadel

Daniela Dib Gonçalves

Odair Alberton

Daniela de Cássia Faglioni Boleta-Ceranto

Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço

Giuliana Zardeto



Psoriasis is a disease that affects 2 to 3% of the world's population. It is a chronic, non-communicable, painful, and disabling disease for which there is no cure. Thus, this study aims to describe the epidemiological profile, quality of life, and pharmacotherapy of patients with psoriasis. For this, a descriptive and quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted using online questionnaires that were applied to patients with psoriasis. The questionnaire included questions about socio-demographic data (gender, color, schooling, marital status), quality of life with questions related to day-to-day actions and pharmacotherapy (name of the drug, adverse reactions). We interviewed 554 individuals with a mean age of 38.72 years, with predominance of females (82.2%), white (70.1%) and with complete higher education (39.4%). The main clinical manifestations reported were scaling, itching and redness in the lesion regions. An average of 14.88 were obtained to evaluate the quality of life by the dermatology life qualify methodology. This disease causes negative impacts on patients' quality of life, mainly due to the development of other comorbidities (anxiety and depression); With this study, we confirm how psoriasis affects the quality of life of patients, since stigmatization of the individual in social environments and the adverse effects caused by drugs, in addition to promoting the appearance of other comorbidities.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Cogo, Diego Henrique Rudnick dos Santos , Ana Sara Martins de Campos, Giandra Azolini Fernandes de Souza , Rosinei de Freitas, Mônica Micheli Alexandre, Mariana Moraes Pinc , Guilherme Donadel, Daniela Dib Gonçalves , Odair Alberton , Daniela de Cássia Faglioni Boleta-Ceranto, Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço, Giuliana Zardeto


  • Juliana Cogo
  • Diego Henrique Rudnick dos Santos
  • Ana Sara Martins de Campos
  • Giandra Azolini Fernandes de Souza
  • Rosinei de Freitas
  • Mônica Micheli Alexandre
  • Mariana Moraes Pinc
  • Guilherme Donadel
  • Daniela Dib Gonçalves
  • Odair Alberton
  • Daniela de Cássia Faglioni Boleta-Ceranto
  • Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço
  • Giuliana Zardeto