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The advancement of new technologies and the use of free software in the digital inclusion of public schools

Luiza Boff Lorenzon



This article sought, through an explanatory and exploratory study, to analyze the information society, which has been transformed by the emergence of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Such an analysis is pertinent, in view of the need to ensure the fundamental right to education in public schools through the use of free software, since some public policies are insufficient. In this context, considering the process of exclusion that has been a determining force in the perpetuation of social roles, reflections are proposed on the necessary expansion of the concept of digital inclusion, as well as analyzing the public policies already implemented by the Brazilian government, in addition to evaluating the possibility of applying free software to public schools, as a way to promote education.  access to information and technology, and promoting democracy.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luiza Boff Lorenzon