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Sara Kali: Black representativeness in the Xigano Devlesa Avilan temple

Luana Maria Sousa Santos

Luciano Silva Figueirêdo

Virna Rodrigues Leal Moura

Janaína Alvarenga Aragão

Laéssio Alvarenga Aragão

Carla Ledi Korndörfer

Maria da Vitória Barbosa Lima

Gustavo de Andrade Durão

Yana de Moura Gonçalves

Evandro Alberto de Sousa

Jesus Vênus Silva Costa



Each people of humanity has its own history and different ways of feeling the world, which at some point connect with other peoples. Among the wanderings that refer to the gypsy people and the encounter with different cultures is the presence of Santa Sara Kali, in Romani a language of gypsy origin means black, it is worshipped in some gypsy ethnicities. The objective of the research in question is to reflect the black representation in the gypsy temple Devlesa Avilan through the symbology of Sara Kali. Thus, we resorted to the use of participant observation and the aid of the recording of the field diary. In addition, bibliographic and documentary materials were used, as well as the use of semi-structured interviews. Among the elements that constitute the expressions of black representation are the following issues: faith, tolerance and representation.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Luana Maria Sousa Santos, Luciano Silva Figueirêdo, Virna Rodrigues Leal Moura, Janaína Alvarenga Aragão, Laéssio Alvarenga Aragão, Carla Ledi Korndörfer, Maria da Vitória Barbosa Lima, Gustavo de Andrade Durão, Yana de Moura Gonçalves, Evandro Alberto de Sousa, Jesus Vênus Silva Costa


  • Luana Maria Sousa Santos
  • Luciano Silva Figueirêdo
  • Virna Rodrigues Leal Moura
  • Janaína Alvarenga Aragão
  • Laéssio Alvarenga Aragão
  • Carla Ledi Korndörfer
  • Maria da Vitória Barbosa Lima
  • Gustavo de Andrade Durão
  • Yana de Moura Gonçalves
  • Evandro Alberto de Sousa
  • Jesus Vênus Silva Costa