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Religious and philosophical aspects of organ and body donation: Experience report

Álvaro Alves de Sá Júnior

Beatriz Pereira Vilela

Francisco José Assis Cabral

Giuliano Vilela Pires

Giorgio Henrique de Assis

Luiz Carlos Bandeira Santos Júnior

Glender Ferreira Santos

Roberto Bernardino Júnior

Bárbara de Lima Lucas



The legislation defines the family as responsible for the donation of human organs and tissues for therapeutic or study purposes and constitutes a major challenge in Brazil. Objectives: To analyze and gather the views of various religious and philosophical currents on donation, to understand the possible influence on the decision to donate. Methodology: After a literature review, which included works published in the last 10 years, interviews with religious leaders and representatives of different cultures were conducted. The interviews were recorded and made available free of charge on social networks. Results and Discussion: The literature review totaled 92 studies in the following databases: Lilacs/BIREME/VHL (41), Scielo (26), PubMed (4), Mendeley (21). Representatives of the following religions participated in the interviews: Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Spiritist, Umbanda, Candomblé, Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, Bahá'í Faith, and Hare Krishna Movement; as well as a representative of atheism. Some beliefs present a caveat to donation under the justification that the human body belongs to the creator entity and must complete the cycle of life by returning to earth (inhumation). However, the interviewees themselves report that solidarity is justified when there is the possibility of preserving a life. Donation represents an altruistic act related to an individual choice. Conclusion: In general, religions are favorable to donation, treating it with a benevolent and life-saving attitude. Its direct effects are the training of health professionals, promoting the improvement of health care.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Álvaro Alves de Sá Júnior, Beatriz Pereira Vilela, Francisco José Assis Cabral, Giuliano Vilela Pires, Giorgio Henrique de Assis, Luiz Carlos Bandeira Santos Júnior, Glender Ferreira Santos, Roberto Bernardino Júnior, Bárbara de Lima Lucas


  • Álvaro Alves de Sá Júnior
  • Beatriz Pereira Vilela
  • Francisco José Assis Cabral
  • Giuliano Vilela Pires
  • Giorgio Henrique de Assis
  • Luiz Carlos Bandeira Santos Júnior
  • Glender Ferreira Santos
  • Roberto Bernardino Júnior
  • Bárbara de Lima Lucas