Advancements in smart home automation through fuzzy logic systems


  • Fabiana de Sá Ferreira
  • Jammylly Fonseca Silva
  • Ayton José Neto
  • Eliomar Gotardi Pessoa



Fuzzy Logic, Smart Home Automation, Energy Efficiency, User Comfort, IoT Integration


The incorporation of fuzzy logic systems into smart home automation is revolutionizing the way we interact with our living spaces, offering enhanced comfort, efficiency, and personalization. Fuzzy logic, characterized by its ability to handle imprecise and uncertain information, enables smart home systems to make decisions that are more aligned with human reasoning. This approach proves especially valuable in domestic settings where conditions and user preferences are continually changing. The research highlighted demonstrates various applications of fuzzy logic in optimizing smart home systems. Ain et al. (2018) introduced a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) that adjusts thermostat settings based on humidity and indoor temperature variations, achieving a 28% reduction in energy consumption while maintaining user comfort. Similarly, Aziza et al. (2021) developed a smart home automation prototype integrating IoT, cloud technologies, and fuzzy algorithms to manage energy use effectively, demonstrating improved user comfort and energy efficiency. Tinoco, Cruz-Morales, and Quevedo (2022) focused on enhancing user interaction through voice control with Alexa, using fuzzy controllers to manage lighting and temperature in smart homes. Meanwhile, Sharanya and John (2017) created a cost-efficient fuzzy logic controller for regulating atmospheric comfort, incorporating soft sensors for temperature and humidity measurements. Hagenbeck et al. (2016) evaluated a fuzzy logic-based system for lighting control, achieving smooth brightness adjustments without abrupt changes. These studies collectively highlight how fuzzy logic systems can enhance smart home environments by offering more adaptable and personalized automation solutions. The integration of fuzzy logic not only improves energy efficiency but also ensures a more comfortable living experience, demonstrating its transformative impact on home automation technology.




Como Citar

Ferreira, F. de S., Silva, J. F., Neto, A. J., & Pessoa, E. G. (2024). Advancements in smart home automation through fuzzy logic systems. Revista Sistemática, 14(5), 1209–1213.