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The deaf and the right to work

Artur Maciel de Oliveira Neto



In this text, we present the results of a research on the professional qualification of the deaf in the world of work in Rio Grande do Norte, which supported the elaboration of the master's thesis entitled: The professional qualification of the deaf in the labor market: A Libras (L1) as a facilitating instrument in the teaching-learning process.  We aimed to indicate the main difficulties of the interpreters of pounds in the interpretations in formations offered to the deaf.  Five groups of subjects participated in the macro investigation: (G1), deaf with higher education, who are working in public and/or private offices. (G2), deaf people who have only Basic Education and who are working in public and/or private offices. (G3), deaf people with higher education, who are not inserted in the formal labour market. (G4), listeners (employers and co-workers) who have some kind of relationship with deaf employees. (G5), translators and interpreters of Libras, who work in the process of interpretation of the formations. In this article we will present the results only of groups 1 and 2. To perform this work, we adopted descriptive explanatory research, with a quantitative focus. In data collection, we used closed questionnaires directed to each group of participants, whose answers were analyzed through the SPSS v.23 program. Based on the results of the research, we can conclude that it is essential for deaf subjects, that the actors involved in the process of work inclusion know Libras.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Artur Maciel de Oliveira Neto


  • Artur Maciel de Oliveira Neto