Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Contato Principal
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
  • Contato para Suporte Técnico

Epidemiological transition, aging and physiotherapy

Scandiani KM;
Silva MCPe;
Sogame LCM.

Depression in the elderly: An integrative review

Osório RDCP;
Galvão JF;
Braga KL;
Macêdo RML;
et al.

Use of digital games in the third age: A systematic review

Augusto Souza dos Santos M;
dos Santos de Jesus B;
Simões Ferreira J;
Cláudio Machado dos Santos L;
et al.

O uso de metodologias ativas na prevenção de enterobíase em idosos: Relato de experiência

Modesto MFN;
Assis NR;
Pimentel DF;
Pontes ARB;
et al.
| 193-203

Segurança da pessoa idosa nos serviços de saúde

Araújo SRS;
Magalhães JRHR;
Frazão CR;
Santos GFM;
et al.
| 383-401

Active and productive ageing of older adults, a look at its influencing factors

Ortega-Galarza M;
Avilés MNT;
Coloma KSO;
Coloma MLO;
et al.

Polifarmácia em idosos e redução de danos

Dantas DR;
Duarte RS;
Freitas LSe;
Neves EMF;
et al.
| 772-779

The contribution of physical exercise in the aging process

Ferreira KB;
Freitas AH;
Leal JC;
Martins IP.

Benefit of pleasurable physical activity for the elderly: An integrative review

Carvalho WV;
Katakura EALB;
Carvalho TLRB;
Koga PM;
et al.

Cerrado fruits, study on their technological and medicinal applications: a review

Silva JF;
Januário JGB;
Guedes CT;
Friedrichsen JSA;
et al.