Among the great challenges of current medicine, the prevention and containment of damage related to infections are increasingly highlighted, so that these have a strong impact on the quality of care provided, as well as on the development of the entire rehabilitation of those undergoing surgical procedures of any origin. In this sense, studying infections within the orthopedic perspective is extremely important, since the affected structure and the causative agent of infection impact the quality of life, economic and morbidity and mortality of patients. The current literature is increasingly looking for methods to minimize and predict the occurrence of infections, studying foci, potential patients and conditions that lead to infections in orthopedics. Analyzing and detecting the emergence of infections early also deserves to be highlighted, unraveling an arduous path for health services to combat the problems arising from an infection in the bone structure of individuals. Thus, it is understood that prevention, recognizing potential aggravating factors and knowing how to act in the face of infections that affect the bones are extremely important for the quality of life and recovery of patients.