Obesity is a public health problem whose etiology is multifactorial and requires knowledge about determining factors for its emergence. Food and nutrition education (NEC) actions are relevant for understanding and diagnosing this situation in its complexity. The study evaluated the perception of factors associated with overweight and obesity through written and confidential expression in individuals with special needs practitioners of hippotherapy of the IF Goiano- Campus Urutaí. The method was qualitative and the results espresso in a cloud words. In this study, the number of factors related to mental health cited by the individuals is highlighted, the words "anxiety" and "depression" received prominence and also appeared the terms "emotional" and "relationship with food", in addition, were mentioned "lack of physical activity", "inadequate diet" and "genetics". It was concluded that the diagnostic intervention was effective in showing that obesity and overweight are dependent in which the individuals presented satisfactory perceptions about the relationship of biopsychosocial factors and weight gain and obesity.