Brazil is the third largest producer of castor beans in the world, with a mild tropical climate that favors the cultivation of this plant of commercial and agricultural value. In this context, Bahia stands out as a national leader, responsible for 80% of Brazilian castor bean production, according to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). In view of this economic importance, initiatives have been discussed with Bahian stakeholders to establish a request for Geographical Indication (GI) for castor bean produced in the Center-North region of Bahia. This article aims to analyze the potential of castor bean from this region to obtain GI registration, through an exploratory study and application of the GI potential diagnosis methodology of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE). Data and information were collected from local cooperatives, evaluating aspects that make the regional castor bean unique. The results of the survey indicated a high potential for GI recognition, which can strengthen the visibility of the region as a castor bean production hub, enhance local identity and boost sustainable development. GI registration would also bring direct benefits to producers, reinforcing the sense of belonging in communities and promoting rural tourism. In this way, the GI for castor beans from Bahia represents a strategy that adds value to the production chain and contributes to the economic and cultural growth of the region, benefiting the image of the product in the market and encouraging responsible agricultural practices.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2025.008-032