Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Narratives by students of LGBTQ+ community in the space of the Federal University of Piauí: tensions and upheavals

dos Santos Sousa C;
Maria Mendes Marques M;
Neto Fonseca Duque A;
Veloso C;
et al.

MAVRS and MHR: preventive conservation of the collection

Bortoluzzi BP;
de Lima FT;
Barancelli MB;
Vivian PG;
et al.
| 166-169

Broadening the understanding of the reality of the drug addict subject

Silvestre KMP;
Barcellos LRO;
Ribeiro MLSM;
Ribeiro-Andrade ÉH.

Tools for control of the african snail (Achatina fulica, Bowdich, 1822)

Gomes KNF;
Rangel LS;
Silva MARe;
Rocha L;
et al.

Dipteryx alata, the baru: An analysis of its potential for general use

Verde GV;
Ramos JO;
Oliveira MS;
Sousa MM;
et al.

Collection strategies as an instrument to reduce delinquency in the company Martyni Campestre, Garzón, Colombia

Mauricio Martinez Fernandez F;
Alejandra Collazos Vargas M;
Alejandra Castro Suarez D.

Wireless biometric information exchange system

Casaque RR;
Castro JL;
Benini FAV.

Epidemiological factors of monkeypox transmission

Morais TR;
Carvalho HFN;
Girão MMF;
Albuquerque LP;
et al.

Passion fruit production under different swine wastewater doses treated in a biodigester

Vásquez MAN;
Santos AMS;
de Oliveira DF;
Vásquez EMF;
et al.

Educational policies for the inclusion of women in the labor market in exact areas

Silva Dos Santos C;
Laraine Moraes De Assis D;
Maria Radl-Philpp R.