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Countryside education and professional education: Territorialities under construction for a human formation

Ângelo Rodrigues de Carvalho



The present work brings the approach of the perspective of the construction of professional education from the Education of the Field, based on an educational thinking that is based on a formation of the subjects through human emancipation; reflecting the historicity of the Education of the Field thought by (their) Social Movements. The theoretical framework is based on the efforts of authors such as Bernardo Mançano Fernandes, Saskia Sassen, Doreen Massey, Mônica Molina and Pistrak. The methodology used was through semi-structured interviews with representatives of social movements that are in the locus of the research. Our reflection is based on the projects developed in the spaces of experiences of students, which are based on the Movement for a Rural Education, since it is contrary to the logic and dynamics of capitalist reproduction, which understands the field as a space of possibilities, valuing the cultural history of the subjects belonging to the territories of the field, of waters and forests. In this sense, Rural Education is an alternative to Rural Professional Education, especially with regard to the construction of territorialities that promote the integration of the subjects of the field, the waters and the forests.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ângelo Rodrigues de Carvalho


  • Ângelo Rodrigues de Carvalho