Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Children born with low weight: what factors interfere with their growth?

Regis de Oliveira Santos L;
Nery Teixeira Palombo C;
Maria Carneiro Oliveira M;
Javier Avendano Vasquez C.

Emotional factors relating to weight gain during the COVID-19 pandemic at post-bariatric women from São Paulo: a cross-sectional study

Victória Lacera Auerswald Albino A;
Rheded Ferreira G;
da Silva Lima K;
Matsuda de Sales Vieira L;
et al.

Analysis of the annual variability of premature born lives and deaths regarding birth weight in ES

Marvila Santos I;
Morine Saloum M;
Moura Dias F;
do Prado Pacheco J;
et al.
| 1677-1683

Effect of kangaroo position on premature newborns

Amaral MH;
Gonçalves LFB;
Soares MM;
Libânio PS;
et al.

Eating behavior of adult women during the pandemics

Araújo NCM;
Paixão JA;
Melo NCO;
Silva LAR;
et al.


Leão AG;
Oliveira ACD;
Parreira GL;
Furquim KG;
et al.
| 817-835

The quality of sleep of nursing professionals and the Covid-19 pandemic

Picoli M;
Santos GA;
Machado EO;
Vizini ST;
et al.

Complete gravimetry of urban solid waste in the city of Manaus – AM

Rodrigues MA;
Ismail KAR;
Lino FAM;
de Azevedo IO.
| 456-479

Stretch marks, causes and treatments used today – Scoping review

Cardoso AS;
Braga C;
Menezes JCA;
Ocon CA;
et al.
| 322-331

Leishmaniose visceral

Bracarense CB;
Mesquita LO;
Antunes LP;
Oliveira SS;
et al.
| 36-47

Food attitudes of nutrition students at the university of Pernambuco

Sena Barroso L;
Felipe dos Santos Silva D;
Cinthia Ferro Cavalcante T;
Marques Sotero A;
et al.

Predictive indices of ventilatory weanning in prematures: Literature review

Santos DS;
Santos EC;
Silva ECL;
Silva GMF;
et al.
| 520-529

The quality of sleep of nursing professionals and the Covid-19 pandemic

Picoli M;
Santos GA;
Machado EO;
Vizini ST;
et al.