Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Aspects of the therapeutic approach to vulvovaginal candidiasis

Anjos GA;
Pereira VS;
Hori JI;
Rodrigues AR.

Hepatic encephalopathy approach: Pharmacological therapy

Tanajura MCS;
Silva DTe;
Beltrao NAB;
Rizzi YI;
et al.

Management of hemorrhagic stroke: A literature review

Barros VCVO;
Domingues AR.
| 354-359

Central and peripheral vertigo: Neurological and otorhinolaryngological approaches

Carvalho MS;
Oliveira ACVM;
Almeida BMO;
Chon CW;
et al.
| 716-726

Psychosocial impact of psoriasis: Beyond the skin

Cirillo MS;
Rozeira CHB;
Silva MF;
Rozeira CFB;
et al.
| 1-18

Management of obesity in prader-willi syndrome

Tanajura MCS;
Teixeira KC;
Mendes VH;
Chaves ICB;
et al.

Reconstruction Of Lower Lip Avulsion Due To A Human Bite: A Case Report

Gellen PVB;
de Assis LC;
Scartezzini GR;
Tavares T;
et al.
| 1519-1528

Art therapy as a pediatric oncological therapeutic support

Rosa MEPQ;
Grando L;
Schliemann AL;
da Mota CR.
| 810-819

Management of septic shock secondary to pneumonia: Treatment protocols in medical emergencies

Guerra DKH;
Oliveira FES;
Moreira TC;
Antunes BFM;
et al.
| 154-162

Therapeutic approaches to chronic pain: Literature review

Avila DF;
Santos ACQ;
Oliveira GR;
Carnevali LSF;
et al.

The role of the immune system in cancer immunotherapy

Chiacchio AD;
Silva FM;
Souza LNL;
Silva RC.
| 110-126

Spirituality and psychology: Converging themes

Ferreira HAQ;
Hasan S;
Lopes SMB.
| 529-552

Pediatric esophageal stricture after chemical ingestion

Veloso AT;
Fidélio CLW;
Prado ECS;
Oliveira HKL;
et al.
| 324-330