Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Exploratomy thoracotomy and rib osteosynthesis in a canine: Case report

Ohashi GS;
Lima WC;
Leal MS;
Henrique FV;
et al.
| 333-344

Epistemological foundations of social entrepreneurship from complex thinking

Soto FCN;
Castillo CdPC;
Chiparra WEM;
Casco RJE;
et al.

Isotonic beverage consumer profile

Rodrigues KS;
Sousa MF;
Dutra MBL;
Kameyama O.

Reflections on disordered growth on urban mobility

Akabane GK;
Santos JA;
Oliveira RMN;
Rieder R.

Body composition of an elit de jockey team - Argentina flows model

Witriw AM;
Scarano SM;
Martinez N;
De Feo Y;
et al.

Thoracotomy for esophageal foreign body removal in a dog

Flores FS;
Cassanego GR;
Costa EP;
Rosa CC;
et al.

Semiological signs for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis: case report and literature review

de Almeida Barbosa C;
Fonseca Guimarães M;
Almeida da Silva R;
Soares dos Santos R;
et al.

Diagnosis of the socio-economic profile fish farmer coastal region of Pará

Tenório GS;
Tenório JJAS;
Campos OTL;
Alves JA;
et al.

Spontaneous epidural spinal hematoma: case report

De Luca Druda O;
Francisco Lara Júnior A.

GQD purification study obtained by bottom-up route aiming at the production of photocatalysts

Sakaguti LG;
Fogaça LZ;
de Freitas CF;
Caetano W;
et al.
| 83-90

Normal climatological water balance in the microregion of alto teles pires - MT

Hurtado de Mendoza Borges P;
Hurtado de Mendoza Morais P;
Morais dos Santos Hurtado de Mendoza Z;
Navarro Bezerra D.