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Comparison between granulometric analysis of the sand from the Acre river and normal sand from the Tietê river

Osmar José Accorsi

Carolina de Lima Accorsi Montefusco

Wilians Montefusco da Cruz



The emergence of the main cities of the Amazon, including the State of Acre, occurred on the banks of rivers. In the region, the sand used in the buildings has always been, and continues to be, until today, removed directly from the river beds, from the dredging process, without any control, of both the places of withdrawal and the places of sand deposits, let alone with the quality of the sand.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Osmar José Accorsi, Carolina de Lima Accorsi Montefusco, Wilians Montefusco da Cruz


  • Osmar José Accorsi
  • Carolina de Lima Accorsi Montefusco
  • Wilians Montefusco da Cruz