Seven Editora


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  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
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Search Parameters

Nurses' role in compulsory notification of domestic violence in a Basic Health Unit

Reis LTL;
Martins V;
Santos JT;
Flores PCB;
et al.
| 1083-1089

Epidemiological profile of Visceral Leishmaniasis in northeastern Brazil from 2009 to 2019

Letícia Peixoto Medeiros A;
Maria do Amaral Santos M;
Lobo Camargo L;
Carolina Cândido dos Santos M;
et al.

Chikungunya Hospitalization In The Pediatric Population In Brazil: 2017-2021

Vedana GB;
Alvarenga JVO;
Braga LCUA;
Scariot MF;
et al.
| 1254-1265

Dripping Test analysis of water loss of frozen chicken carcasses in Rio Branco – AC

França de Oliveira M;
Gelli Feres de Marchi P;
Toledo Messias C;
Carla Marchi de Rezende-Lago N;
et al.

Profile of tuberculosis cases in pernambuco: analysis of cases, 2011 to 2020

de Lima Rodrigues Souza C;
Ulysses Rodrigues de Souza J;
Vitória Alves Vila Nova M;
Fernanda Guedes B;
et al.

Characterization of the manifestations of Down Syndrome in Brazil between 2016 and 2020: an epidemiological study

Shabrinna Silva Resende A;
Machado Miranda Leal Barbosa S;
Luísa Xavier Carvalho Andrade I;
Manoel Oliveira Costa L;
et al.

Violence against children: Nurses' role in primary health care

Silva AM;
Góis ARS;
Justo AM;
Gama TCCL;
et al.

University integration and epidemiological surveillance in fighting Covid-19

Nepomuceno GAM;
Ayub GGP;
Santiago AF;
Dall'Agnol MM;
et al.

Leprosy cases in Pernambuco between 2013 and 2022: An epidemiological study

dos Santos ISF;
Silva LM;
Arruda SA;
Leite BLS;
et al.
| 383-394

Clinical-epidemiological profile of dengue cases in Picos-PI, from 2020 to 2021

Alvarenga Aragão J;
Silva Figueiredo L;
Beatriz Rufino Leal Valles M;
Beatriz de Sousa Silva R;
et al.