Introduction: The objective of this study was to analyze the SINAN notification forms in the identification of work-related illness classified as a mental disorder, analyzing the variables age, main types of mental disorders, occupation and evolution of cases. Methodology: This is a quantitative, ecological, epidemiological study describing the cases of mental disorders recorded in MT from 2007 to 2023. The study was based on secondary data from the 2000 and 2022 demographic censuses, and from the SINAN-Tabwin information system. Results and Discussion: The demographic and sociodemographic profile revealed that the most commonly affected age group is between 53 and 57 years of age with 0.52% of reported cases, with a predominance in women reaching 0.41% of cases of the disease in 2023. When we analyze the level of education, we can highlight the highest occurrence in complete high school with 0.69% in 2022, when we refer to occupation we can list teacher with 0.17%. Conclusion: In view of the analysis, we noticed the existence of a decrease in notifications of mental disorders over these years. The low rate of notifications can be attributed to several factors, including the stigma associated with mental disorders, the lack of awareness about the importance of notification, and possible failures in the registration and communication systems, we realized the need to develop strategies aimed at strengthening the completion of the notification of mental disorders, and the continuing education of professionals in the care network to know the disease and strengthen the notification process.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2024.039-020