Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Knowledge graph: A strategy for knowledge management?

Macedo V;
Thurler L;
Dias E;
Cavalcanti M.

Remote teaching in brazilian basic education: A bibliometric review

Santiago ASM;
Monteiro AKS;
Santiago AKA;
Soares FCLL.

Literature review: Impacts of decrease in socialization on child development

Jales Portela D;
Tomé de Sousa I;
Gabrielle Medeiros A;
Terra Magalhães M;
et al.

Effects of the use of cannabidiol in the treatment of psychiatric diseases: a quick literature review

Gabriel Winck Mattos V;
Henrique Ellwanger Freire G;
Letícia Coutinho Dos Santos Valladares A;
Raquel Karkow Wojciechowski L.

Embracement in urgency/emergency and relationships in nursing care

Lopes VC;
Ascari B;
Santarem MD;
Chassot MD;
et al.

Laparoscopic therapy as a treatment for diaphragmatic endometriosis

Bandeira Domiciano C;
Costa Filho A;
Camilo Neto G;
Hortiz de Carvalho Nobre Felipe D;
et al.

Burnout syndrome in medicine students: an integrative literature review

Ruy BT;
Barbosa ACM;
Neto PPMF;
Teixeira VSM;
et al.
| 1882-1892

Characterization of the manifestations of Down Syndrome in Brazil between 2016 and 2020: an epidemiological study

Shabrinna Silva Resende A;
Machado Miranda Leal Barbosa S;
Luísa Xavier Carvalho Andrade I;
Manoel Oliveira Costa L;
et al.