Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Excessive alcohol consumption in the COVID-19 pandemic: a causality investigation

Clara Silva Brandani A;
Ramalho Peres L;
Chaves Andrade M.

Biopsychosocial impacts of alcohol abuse: Integrative review

Ribeiro AS;
Binato BM;
de Paula DG;
Ribeiro RDS.

Analysis of chemical dependence among adolescents: A review

Ervatti AC;
Paschoa BGC;
Benedito CS;
de Castro EMN;
et al.