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Evaluation of the association between drug use and sleep quality in shift workers vs daytime workers

Magda Rosado

Lucinda Carvalho

André Coelho


Sleep is a physiological process and a fundamental biological function for human survival1. Disturbances in its quality can trigger significant changes in the quality of life of the individual2 . The quality of sleep can be influenced by several factors, such as: previous medical conditions, the consumption of medications and/or stimulant substances, working hours, among others3. The use of medication to alleviate sleep disorders caused by working hours is common; however, if abused and unsupervised, it can trigger new pathological conditions4. On the other hand, when prescribing medications for several pathologies, it is common to neglect their adverse effects on sleep4.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Magda Rosado, Lucinda Carvalho, André Coelho


  • Magda Rosado
  • Lucinda Carvalho
  • André Coelho