This article sought to address the empirical situations and focuses on the social relations body and work in cooperatives of Waste Pickers and Waste Pickers that make up a Self-Managed Network of Recycling Cooperatives in the State of Mato Grosso. This study was developed based on the reflections of the collective of the Research Group: Sustainable Regional Development and Transformations in the World of Work (GDRS) and the Research, Innovation and Social Technology Network in Solid Waste Management, Sustainability and Solidarity Economy Project (REPITES) and seeks to promote theoretical reflections based on categories of analysis that emerged through empirical situations experienced between 2014 and 2024. The dialogue between empirical and theoretical enabled the initial construction of the analytical framework that will support the discussions of future research on the body at work among women waste pickers. We noticed that the field situations and everyday scenes put different social agents in motion, which produced similar inferences that need to be analyzed in the light of theory.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2024.041-027