Objective: To analyze the challenges associated with the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the exploration of scientific-academic research and publication in Latin America. Methodology: the adaptation of the Prisma Protocol was used as a scientific reference, articles were addressed from the Scopus and Ebsco databases, on the Crossref platform and the Google Scholar repository. Result: 2251 documents were initially considered, where 13 met the inclusion criteria. Specific challenges can provide a solid basis for future research and foster collaborations that lead to eradicating resistance to AI and improving the research method for producing scientific publications, in areas that deserve attention such as academic institutions and scientific communities to develop strategies that overcome barriers and enhance the opportunities granted by AI. Conclusion: Addressing AI-related challenges in Latin America is a way to strengthen research and development (R+D) in the region, by promoting more inclusive, ethical and technologically advanced science.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2025.001-021