This article is part of the author's master's thesis and emphasizes the techniques of Modular Volumetric Construction applied in hospitals, through a case study. The relevance of the technique applied to hospitals occurred with the advent of the pandemic, in 2020, this quick assembly technique, already widespread and consolidated in the residential and service market (hotels and offices), has its attention and application focused on the hospital area in response to the immediate demand for inpatient beds. The general objective of this work is to understand the quality of the processes of the off-site modular construction system, applied in adult hospitalization units. Also as specific objectives, we can address: characterization of environments from the points of view of function, flexibility, adaptability, growth and performance; understand the current market scenario of this system in the hospital area in the country; and analyze the benefits and challenges of this technique. As methodological procedures, bibliographic research, case study recognized today, technical visit, data collection and analysis were adopted. The case study refers to an annex block for hospitalization in a hospital already built, in the city of São Paulo. The expected results of this research are: presentation and approach of the volumetric modular construction technique; understanding of some concepts of hospital architecture in adult inpatient wards; and in-depth analysis of the case study for knowledge and presentation of the technique, concepts and design.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2024.039-021