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Gilson José Gonchorovski

Claudionei Vicente Cassol



This reflection comprises the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Liquid Modernity and Education. We live in an era marked by intense dependence on technological resources, essential for work, studies and various activities that both sustain and threaten human life. The central dilemma lies in the relationship between the human being – the only one endowed with rational intelligence, with natural potential and cultural improvement – and the machine, equipped with Artificial Intelligence. Created by human reason, Artificial Intelligence proposes, to a certain extent, to replicate and even replace people's intellectual capacity, raising ethical and existential questions about the limits and possibilities of this interaction. This reflection critically rehearses perspectives and questions based on bibliographic studies and the messages presented in a wide range of films. In Alan Mathison Turing's conception, in Artificial Intelligence, for thousands of years humanity has sought to understand how the phenomenon of thinking and knowing occurs. This perspective seems to have activated the "field of Artificial Intelligence" to go further and "not only understand, but also build intelligent entities". Turing's work began shortly after World War II, and in 1956 he coined the term Artificial Intelligence. Understanding Education in the context of technology and the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, in the light of sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, in 44 Letters from the Modern Liquid World, especially in the chapter "Is the world inhospitable to Education?", leads us to reflect on a crisis that humanity is going through. Unlike previous crises, the current one affects several sectors in a deep and accelerated way. As Artificial Intelligence advances, pushing ethical boundaries and challenging the control of rationality, it becomes imperative for humanity to adopt a critical stance. Education, in this scenario, must promote a continuous dialogue with technology, allowing the decisions made to impact all spheres of society. In addition, the advancement of Artificial Intelligence can aggravate social and economic inequalities, directly reflecting on culture and Education.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gilson José Gonchorovski, Claudionei Vicente Cassol


  • Gilson José Gonchorovski
  • Claudionei Vicente Cassol