The military police career is characterized by strenuous hours and unique responsibilities, requiring a balance between professional demands and personal life. In this context, financial management becomes a crucial element to ensure the emotional stability and well-being of public security professionals. This article aimed to analyze the importance of financial management for Military Police Officers, highlighting its influence on the quality of life and financial security of these professionals. The problem investigated was: how can financial management contribute to a safer and more stable future for military police officers? The methodology adopted consisted of a literature review, using scientific databases such as Portal CAPES, Science Direct and SciELO, with a focus on identifying the main difficulties faced by police officers in managing their financial resources and the most effective strategies to overcome them. The results indicate that the lack of financial planning is associated with high levels of stress and instability, affecting both personal life and professional performance. The study proposes the inclusion of financial education in the training and during the career of military police officers, in order to promote awareness about planning and healthy financial habits. The contributions of this research extend to the large area of public management and security, by proposing the implementation of public policies and financial education programs aimed at military police officers. These initiatives aim to improve the quality of life of professionals and strengthen the police institution, ensuring a greater balance between personal and professional life, in addition to ensuring a more stable and secure future.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56238/sevened2024.031-087