Coffee production is one of the main activities in the world, generating about 100 million jobs directly and indirectly. In 2022, 17.97 thousand bags of coffee production of the Amazonian robusta species were estimated in Brazil. With the considerable importance of coffee cultivation for the country, as well as for the municipality of Tangará da Serra - MT, it is relevant to identify the main challenges faced by Tangara's producers in the production of this type of coffee. In order to enable solutions to the problem exposed, the proposal was to characterize the producers of Amazonian robusta coffee in Tangará da Serra - MT, identify the difficulties that stand in the way of production and compare them to those recorded in 2019 with those faced in 2023. For the study, a qualitative methodological approach was used, which enables a given perception of reality, with an exploratory research strategy for greater familiarity with this theme little explored in the municipality. The careful description sought to identify the obstacles faced by local coffee producers, and nineteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with these workers for data collection. The results showed that they face various challenges in the production of Amazonian robusta coffee, since they worked individually, without ties to coffee associations or cooperatives, a factor that limits the representativeness of the crop, such as the lack of adequacy to the regime that manages water resources when the irrigation method is used for the crop and the succession to the coffee activity that is shown as an obstacle to be overcome, since it is the transfer of power to the next manager of the business. It is evident that this production in Tangaraense tends to grow since there are new entrants to the culture with crops in formation.