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Clinical and epidemiological profile of cervical cancer in Piaui in the period from 2017 to 2021

Amaro ZA;
Monteiro LCLR;
de Carvalho AC;
Sousa VM;
Pinto BWC;
costa Iksc

Zuleide Andrade Amaro

Larissa Cecy Lustosa do Rego Monteiro

Argus Constâncio de Carvalho

Virgínia Moreira Sousa

Bruna Wendy Capistrano Pinto

Isabel karoline de sousa carvalho costa


Cancer is the main public health problem in the world. The prevalence and incidence have been increasing over the years due to factors such as aging, changes in lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, industrialized foods), and also due to greater contact with some risk factors brought about by urbanization. The Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) exposes the data so that researchers can monitor and analyze actions for cancer control, in addition to guidelines for research related to the topic (BRAY et al., 2014).


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Zuleide Andrade Amaro, Larissa Cecy Lustosa do Rego Monteiro, Argus Constâncio de Carvalho, Virgínia Moreira Sousa, Bruna Wendy Capistrano Pinto, Isabel karoline de sousa carvalho costa


  • Zuleide Andrade Amaro
  • Larissa Cecy Lustosa do Rego Monteiro
  • Argus Constâncio de Carvalho
  • Virgínia Moreira Sousa
  • Bruna Wendy Capistrano Pinto
  • Isabel karoline de sousa carvalho costa