Seven Editora


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Stela Márcia Draib Gervasio

Rosana Maria Faria Vador

Leandra Ruzene Carlúcio

Raquel Pereira Gomes Lima



Introduction: Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) state that cancer (AC) was responsible for one in 6 deaths in the world, that is, 8.8 million deaths, of which 571 thousand were due to breast cancer. Pain is considered the fifth vital sign and because it is the most common symptom described by clients undergoing cancer treatment, regardless of the clinical situation in which each woman finds herself, it deserves real recognition and immediate care, as its constancy directly interferes with emotional conditions and their tasks, directly affecting their recovery. Thus, the present research aims to provide subsidies to help nurses in the management of pain in breast cancer patients, using alternative resources already applied by nursing for other interventions, now directed to the improvement of acute or chronic pain. The technical-scientific knowledge of this professional about the evaluation and performance of appropriate interventions for pain is essential to provide improvement in the quality of life of these clients, as well as their socialization during this period. Objectives To describe the role of nurses in pain management for women affected by breast cancer. Method: An integrative literature review was used, through national and international scientific articles published in the BVS, PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS databases, as well as books, booklets/manuals of the Ministry of Health, between 2010 and 2018. Results: Twenty (20) articles, five (5) books and four (4) booklets/manuals of the Ministry of Health were selected to compose the review. Conclusion: Thus, this research demonstrates the degree of importance of this theme, proving that the prescription of alternative therapies by nurses is pertinent to treatment, as they can promote help in controlling and relieving pain in clients with breast cancer.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Stela Márcia Draib Gervasio , Rosana Maria Faria Vador , Leandra Ruzene Carlúcio , Raquel Pereira Gomes Lima


  • Stela Márcia Draib Gervasio
  • Rosana Maria Faria Vador
  • Leandra Ruzene Carlúcio
  • Raquel Pereira Gomes Lima