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Competitiveness of Brazilian fruit exports to the European market

Julio Rodrigues

Tales Wanderley Vital



This study aims to evaluate the competitiveness of Brazilian fruit exports to the European market, through the Constant Market Share  model and the Revealed Comparative Advantage, in the period from 1990 to 2009 and from 2000 to 2009, for the two models, respectively, using the following crops: mango, grape, papaya and melon. The result obtained through the applied model showed that in the first and second periods Brazil was competitive in the exports of grapes, melons and mangoes to the European market and that this competitiveness is due to quality; As for papaya, it was found that, to the detriment of the destination market, it was exported in the first and second periods without distinction. The country has a Comparative Advantage in all the fruits that make up the analyzed basket, however, even with this advantage in the production and generation of surplus, there are other determining factors in Brazilian fruit exports. Although national companies in this sector have shown a good performance, Brazilian exports are affected by systemic competitiveness that adds the costs of energy, internal transport, exchange rate and precarious infrastructures, which includes roads, ports and airports.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Julio Rodrigues, Tales Wanderley Vital