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Crop-livestock integration in Brazilian lands

Deise Dalazen Castagnara

Kelli Flores Garcez

Luiza Vandrielli Goulart Unamuzaga

Cibele Regina Schneider

Eloisa Mattei

Édipo Alex Malavolta Ramão

Gabriela Maidana Valença

Lueli Fernandes Bragança

Cleiton José Ramão

Rodrigo Holz Krolow

Paulo Sérgio Rabello de Oliveira

Jackson Brazil Acosta Pintanel



Integrated agricultural production systems (SIPA's) consist of growing grain-producing crops with forage crops in the same area, in rotation, succession or intercropping. These systems, in addition to diversifying agricultural production, promote efficiency and sustainability in rural production, benefiting crops and livestock, are more sustainable, economically viable agricultural practices aimed at soil conservation. As, among the objectives of integrated systems, when well managed, they are capable of promoting improvements in soil quality, nutrient cycling, environmental adequacy and economic viability of the activities involved. As a result, the Integrated Crop-Livestock (ICL) system becomes a very important method, because it seeks to renew soil conditions, in order to make the most of natural processes, avoiding using external inputs. The ICL system is a viable alternative in edaphoclimatic conditions, there are many potentialities of the systems, enabling an increase in productivity and reduction of expenses for irrigation, fertilizers, soil conditioners and other agricultural inputs, integrating production, environmental conservation and socioeconomic benefits.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Deise Dalazen Castagnara, Kelli Flores Garcez, Luiza Vandrielli Goulart Unamuzaga, Cibele Regina Schneider, Eloisa Mattei, Édipo Alex Malavolta Ramão, Gabriela Maidana Valença, Lueli Fernandes Bragança, Cleiton José Ramão, Rodrigo Holz Krolow, Paulo Sérgio Rabello de Oliveira, Jackson Brazil Acosta Pintanel


  • Deise Dalazen Castagnara
  • Kelli Flores Garcez
  • Luiza Vandrielli Goulart Unamuzaga
  • Cibele Regina Schneider
  • Eloisa Mattei
  • Édipo Alex Malavolta Ramão
  • Gabriela Maidana Valença
  • Lueli Fernandes Bragança
  • Cleiton José Ramão
  • Rodrigo Holz Krolow
  • Paulo Sérgio Rabello de Oliveira
  • Jackson Brazil Acosta Pintanel