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Quality of life and its representations for people living with HIV: Consensus and dissent

Yndira Yta Machado

Denize Cristina de Oliveira

Sérgio Corrêa Marques

Rodrigo Leite Hipólito

Antônio Marcos Tosoli Gomes

Tadeu Lessa da Costa

Thelma Spindola

Jessica Grativol Aguiar Dias de Oliveira

Gláucia Alexandre Formozo

Hellen Pollyanna Mantelo Cecilio

Renata Lacerda Marques Stefaisk



Objectives: to analyze consensus and dissent from social representations of the quality of life of people living with HIV in medium and large municipalities. Methods: qualitative research, supported by the Theory of Social Representations - processual approach. A total of 68 people living with HIV participated in the study. A characterization questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used. Analysis performed by SPSS and Iramuteq software. Results: Consensus refers to the perception of quality of life, family relationships and prejudice. Medium-sized municipalities perceive quality of life based on knowledge about the disease, the process of adaptation to ART, sexual practices and social and family support. Larger municipalities, on the other hand, refer to life habits, physical activity, family and the normalization of daily life. Final Considerations: differences in the social representations of quality of life were observed in the two groups analyzed, referring to cultural and socio-historical constructions typical of the ways of life and relationships experienced by the groups studied.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Yndira Yta Machado, Denize Cristina de Oliveira, Sérgio Corrêa Marques , Rodrigo Leite Hipólito, Antônio Marcos Tosoli Gomes, Tadeu Lessa da Costa , Thelma Spindola, Jessica Grativol Aguiar Dias de Oliveira


  • Yndira Yta Machado
  • Denize Cristina de Oliveira
  • Sérgio Corrêa Marques
  • Rodrigo Leite Hipólito
  • Antônio Marcos Tosoli Gomes
  • Tadeu Lessa da Costa
  • Thelma Spindola
  • Jessica Grativol Aguiar Dias de Oliveira
  • Gláucia Alexandre Formozo
  • Hellen Pollyanna Mantelo Cecilio
  • Renata Lacerda Marques Stefaisk