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Advanced extraction of bioactive compounds from mamacadela: An approach for efficient and sustainable process

Jaqueline Ferreira Silva

Luciana Alves da Silva

Suelen Siqueira dos Santos

Grasiele Scaramal Madrona

Diogo Francisco Rossoni

Mônica Regina da Silva Scapim



The Cerrado biome has numerous species of fruits little known and exploited, both by the population and the industry, and can be an alternative source of natural active compounds. This study aimed to optimize the process of extraction of antioxidants for mamacadela fruit (Brosimum Gaudichaudii Trécul) using the response surface methodology. The variables were: temperature (30 - 60 ºC), time (30 - 60 min), water or ethanol, and use or not of ultrasonic bath equipment. The quantification of antioxidant capacity was using the methods: ABTS, DPPH, FRAP, and total phenolic content.  In the optimization of the extraction it was possible to identify that the extract with greater antioxidant capacity was with the use of water as solvent at 60ºC and with the shortest extraction time of 30 minutes, and without the utilization of an ultrasound bath. Thus, it is important to conduct more studies on the antioxidant potential of mamacadela fruit, seeking agroindustrial exploitation, besides adding value to food products.




Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jaqueline Ferreira Silva, Luciana Alves da Silva, Suelen Siqueira dos Santos, Grasiele Scaramal Madrona, Diogo Francisco Rossoni, Mônica Regina da Silva Scapim


  • Jaqueline Ferreira Silva
  • Luciana Alves da Silva
  • Suelen Siqueira dos Santos
  • Grasiele Scaramal Madrona
  • Diogo Francisco Rossoni
  • Mônica Regina da Silva Scapim