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Physical and chemical characterization of soil for use in ecological bricks

Maria de Lourdes Xavier de França Neta Alves

Sâmea Valensca Alves Barros

Fabrícia Nascimento de Oliveira



The use of natural resources in the manufacture of materials to meet the demands of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry must occur according to the regulations established for each type of material. One of the determining factors for the use of soil in the production of ecological bricks is to know its physical properties. In this context, the physical and chemical characterization of the soil is extremely important because it allows to verify the technical feasibility of its physical parameters for such use. This work aims to characterize the soil collected in the municipality of Itaiçaba/CE and to identify if it meets the specifications of ABNT NBR 10833 to be used in the production of soil-cement bricks. The physical and chemical characterization was carried out using the following techniques: particle size analysis by sieving; Atterberg limits; determination of optimal humidity; maximum dry specific weight and chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The results indicated that the soil meets the technical specifications required for use in ecological bricks, presenting in its chemical composition the presence of phyllosilicate minerals, which allow it to be characterized as clay soil. In addition, its reddish color occurs due to the iron oxide content found in its chemical composition.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria de Lourdes Xavier de França Neta Alves , Sâmea Valensca Alves Barros, Fabrícia Nascimento de Oliveira


  • Maria de Lourdes Xavier de França Neta Alves
  • Sâmea Valensca Alves Barros
  • Fabrícia Nascimento de Oliveira