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Pathogenic microorganisms present in contaminated water

Flávio Pereira Madriles

Gesisleu Darc Jacinto

José Paulo da Silva

Jucimar Alves dos Reis



Millions of people in the world live without access to good quality water. According to UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), less than half of the world's population has access to drinking water. UNICEF data reveal that 35% of the world's population does not have good quality water and 1 (one) in 3 (three) people does not have access to drinking water The inequality of access to water, the lack of investments in basic sanitation and the lack of hygiene conditions result in millions of deaths in the world from waterborne diseases. In Brazil, according to an estimate by the WHO (World Health Organization) is that 15 thousand people die per year from diseases related to the precariousness of basic sanitation (UNICEF, 2019). In view of the context of mortality due to diseases caused by contaminated water, this work aims to present the pathogenic microorganisms present in contaminated water and, through a literature review, describe the diseases, how they manifest themselves from contamination.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Flávio Pereira Madriles , Gesisleu Darc Jacinto , José Paulo da Silva, Jucimar Alves dos Reis


  • Flávio Pereira Madriles
  • Gesisleu Darc Jacinto
  • José Paulo da Silva
  • Jucimar Alves dos Reis