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Acute Coronary Syndrome: Approach and impacts

Luana Tavares Neves

Luiz Osvaldo Becker Geraldi

Alissa Paglioco Correia

Ana Clara Haluch Maoski Kleiner

Gabriela Alves Miranda Damaceno

Thomaz Nassif Jorge Bassi

Luiz Henrique Gonçalves dos Santos

Lucas Mendonça Silva de Ávila

Anderson Kretschmer

Walter Rocha Passos Nieto

Julia Pina Vieira dos Santos

Larissa Guerra Fernandes



Chest pain is one of the most frequent reasons for seeking emergency care. Among the causes of this pain, acute coronary syndrome comprises one of the main pathologies. Such a syndrome is serious, and must be correctly diagnosed, in order to carry out the correct management of the patient, avoiding irreducible consequences. The objective of this study is to provide the necessary support for the understanding of this syndrome as a whole. For this, a narrative literature review was carried out, with the delimitation of articles published in the last 5 years, from 2019 to 2024, in the Index Scielo and Pubmed bibliographic databases. Articles that did not meet the criteria established in the methodology were discarded, resulting in a total of 25 selected articles. After careful analysis, the information collected served as a basis for the construction of the review. It was observed that the syndrome is extremely important, especially in the scenario of emergency medicine and emergency care. Thus, it is necessary that physicians be properly trained on the subject, in order to avoid unfavorable outcomes for patients, and iatrogenesis.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luana Tavares Neves, Luiz Osvaldo Becker Geraldi, Alissa Paglioco Correia , Ana Clara Haluch Maoski Kleiner, Gabriela Alves Miranda Damaceno, Thomaz Nassif Jorge Bassi, Luiz Henrique Gonçalves dos Santos, Lucas Mendonça Silva de Ávila, Anderson Kretschmer, Walter Rocha Passos Nieto, Julia Pina Vieira dos Santos, Larissa Guerra Fernandes


  • Luana Tavares Neves
  • Luiz Osvaldo Becker Geraldi
  • Alissa Paglioco Correia
  • Ana Clara Haluch Maoski Kleiner
  • Gabriela Alves Miranda Damaceno
  • Thomaz Nassif Jorge Bassi
  • Luiz Henrique Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Lucas Mendonça Silva de Ávila
  • Anderson Kretschmer
  • Walter Rocha Passos Nieto
  • Julia Pina Vieira dos Santos
  • Larissa Guerra Fernandes