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Innovation in the public sector to confront COVID-19: A reality experienced at the municipal level

Carine dos Santos Cardoso

Melissa Watanabe

Silvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo

Fabiane Ferraz



Among the various concepts of innovation, some authors conceptualize them as various forms of change, from the exploration of new ideas, the construction of new models of care practices that meet the local reality, to the creation of new technologies such as medicines, high-density devices, among others, but the organization must be significant and with measurable results of effectiveness. Thus, in the year 2020, Brazil began to experience the catastrophe brought about by the covid-19 pandemic, and had to resignify many modes operating in the work processes in various areas, in the health sector, strategies to guarantee assistance to the sick population, with a view to reducing the number of deaths in Brazil. In this scenario of uncertainties, rapid actions were created in all spheres of government. Thus, the article sought to describe actions carried out in municipal public management to face Covid-19, having as a reference the municipality of Sombrio, Santa Catarina, contextualizing it with innovation in the public sector from the practice experienced in the period from 2020 to 2022. The methodological process is based on the discursive formulation on Innovation and Public Management, organized into sections, the role of Public Management in the Covid-19 pandemic, challenges in Public Health, Innovation and the use of technology in coping with Covid-19 in various scenarios, explanation of the actions carried out in the municipality, and the final considerations, pointing out the relevance of innovative strategies in the public sector.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carine dos Santos Cardoso, Melissa Watanabe, Silvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo, Fabiane Ferraz


  • Carine dos Santos Cardoso
  • Melissa Watanabe
  • Silvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo
  • Fabiane Ferraz