The social relevance of disseminating knowledge about first aid for airway clearance among monitors and assistants of daycare centers and preschools, play a crucial role in emergency situations for early childhood education. It is notorious that children from daycare centers (under 3 years old) and preschool children (4 to 5 years old) are constantly exposed to choking risks, being one of the main causes of accidental death in these age groups, which can be avoided with adequate knowledge about the management of foreign body airway obstruction (OVACE) and proper application of first aid maneuvers (PS). Thus, training educators and managers of daycare centers and schools is extremely important to minimize accidents and the risks of complications resulting from choking. The dissemination of this information to family members and guardians is also essential, as they are the first to act in many emergency situations. A well-informed and prepared school community can act quickly in the event of a serious incident, thus increasing the chances of saving many victims.