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Melatonin as an alternative in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications: A literature review

Gabriela Feres de Marchi

Patrícia Gelli Feres de Marchi



Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a complex metabolic disorder with multifactorial causes caused by resistance to the action of insulin, or the secretion of this hormone, or both. The disease can be divided into type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes. Among its complications we find vision problems, kidney problems, stroke, stroke, heart attack, diabetic coma and foot ulcers or amputations. The prevalence of the pathology has increased worldwide in recent years, including in Brazil, linked to causes such as lifestyle and socioeconomic indicators, becoming a public health problem. Melatonin is a promising hormone in the treatment of various medical conditions due to its relationship with several functions in the body because it is responsible for organizing the circadian cycle, among these functions, the regulation of glucose, production and secretion of insulin by pancreatic beta cells. This review study searched the main databases for evidence of the application of exogenous melatonin to control DM or its complications. Since its first exogenous use described in 1960, the effects of melatonin use have been studied and recently applied in humans, in vitro and in animals as a possibility of treatment for DM in its most varied types. We conclude that the use of melatonin as an alternative to treatment, although very promising, should still be better studied in humans, in order to adjust doses, routes and times of application.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Feres de Marchi, Patrícia Gelli Feres de Marchi


  • Gabriela Feres de Marchi
  • Patrícia Gelli Feres de Marchi