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The fight against microbial growth "in the light" of photodynamic therapy

Carlos Alberto Arcelly Santos Bezerra

Fernanda Silva Galdino

Kaíque Yago Gervazio de Lima

Giovanna Pinheiro Martins

Lidiane Silva do Nascimento

Myllena Lustosa Cabral Gomes

Hueliton Borchardt

Ulrich Vasconcelos



With the emergence of several strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, there has been a demand for new therapeutic alternatives to combat the growth of microbial pathogens. PACT (Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy) is a therapeutic modality, inspired by the treatment of tumors, that aims to kill microorganisms by photodamage, by employing the combination of a photosensitizer and light irradiation, usually of the wavelength of visible light. Thus, PACT can be applied in different contexts, with Dentistry as one of the greatest applications, but PACT can be used in the treatment of skin infections and even disinfection of surfaces in hospital and industrial environments. This paper addresses historical and technical aspects of PACT, in terms of mechanism of action, sensitive microorganisms and future perspectives. This document is the result of the final work of the discipline "Special Topics in Pharmacology II", prepared by graduate students in Natural Products, Synthetics, Bioactives, Cellular and Molecular Biology.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Alberto Arcelly Santos Bezerra, Fernanda Silva Galdino, Kaíque Yago Gervazio de Lima, Giovanna Pinheiro Martins, Lidiane Silva do Nascimento, Myllena Lustosa Cabral Gomes, Hueliton Borchardt, Ulrich Vasconcelos


  • Carlos Alberto Arcelly Santos Bezerra
  • Fernanda Silva Galdino
  • Kaíque Yago Gervazio de Lima
  • Giovanna Pinheiro Martins
  • Lidiane Silva do Nascimento
  • Myllena Lustosa Cabral Gomes
  • Hueliton Borchardt
  • Ulrich Vasconcelos