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Soil micronutrients: dynamics, availability, and fertilization management

Carlos Henrique Lima de Matos

Raiovane Araújo Montenegro

Sandra Cátia Pereira Uchôa

José Frutuoso do Vale Júnior

Victor Hugo Carvalho Sabóia

Ingridy do Nascimento Tavares



Micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Mo) are generally required in small quantities and perform various metabolic functions in plants. In the soil, their availability can be affected by several factors, such as pH, texture, organic matter content, and the concentration of other elements. The way these factors interact can influence the absorption of micronutrients by plant roots. Once absorbed by the roots, the transport of micronutrients is affected by the way they are complexed and the available concentration in the soil solution. The deficiency of micronutrients causes various visible symptoms in plants, including chlorosis, deformation, necrosis, and reduced growth, which can be corrected with proper fertilizer management. This chapter provides updated information on the dynamics of micronutrients in soil and plants, the factors influencing their availability, and fertilization recommendations for these nutrients.




Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Henrique Lima de Matos, Raiovane Araújo Montenegro, Sandra Cátia Whateveras Uchôa, José Frutuoso do Vale Júnior, Victor Hugo Carvalho Sabóia, Ingridy do Nascimento Tavares


  • Carlos Henrique Lima de Matos
  • Raiovane Araújo Montenegro
  • Sandra Cátia Pereira Uchôa
  • José Frutuoso do Vale Júnior
  • Victor Hugo Carvalho Sabóia
  • Ingridy do Nascimento Tavares