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Young adult women with suicidal behavior in Brazil: A literature review

Jane Maria Izaguirre

Igor Sastro Nunes



Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is the third leading cause of death among young women aged 15 to 29 years. Suicidal behavior encompasses suicidal ideation with or without a plan, suicide attempts, and suicide itself. Objective: to carry out an integrative literature review on national scientific production in the period from 2017 to 2022, collecting in the literature what leads young women to attempt against their own lives. Method: an integrative literature review of the literature on suicide attempts by young adult women in Brazil. a database of the National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health (PubMed) was searched. Results: that there is a lack of knowledge about suicide attempts with a gender perspective, as well as the creation of strategies to promote life and prevent suicide. Conclusion:  there is a lack of studies in the literature in the area that cover young adult females. Through the analysis of the selected studies, it is evident that the most frequent causes in the study refer to violence, disorders and the use of alcohol and other drugs.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Jane Maria Izaguirre, Igor Sastro Nunes