The present research aimed to analyze the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life at work of health professionals in Primary Health Care (PHC). The research consisted of an integrative literature review, using Google Scholar and Scielo to search for scientific articles on quality of life at work of PHC health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strict inclusion criteria were applied, resulting in the selection of a sample of three articles for detailed analysis. The studies present a comprehensive analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of work life and mental health of health workers, especially those on frontline and primary care. In addition to highlighting the social and labor dimension of the crisis triggered by the pandemic, the studies highlight the neglect of the care and respect needs of these professionals, who are often perceived only as caregivers. The lack of adequate social protection and exposure to the risk of contamination contributed to feelings of anguish and insecurity, aggravated by the intensification of occupational stress. Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (ICPs) have emerged as a relevant alternative for professionals' self-care and health promotion, highlighting the need for holistic approaches that consider both physical and mental health. The implementation of policies and strategies to prevent mental illness and promote the well-being of professionals is crucial, requiring a sensitive look at their experiences during the pandemic. In summary, the studies underline the importance of an integrated approach to address the impacts of the pandemic on the health of health workers and ensure that they are supported to face future challenges.