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Survey of fungi present in plant species of the dry forest in the microregion of Januária – MG

Amanda Dayanne Malta Matos

Michelle de Oliveira Santos

Luciele Barboza de Almeida

Martielle Batista Fernandes

Sabrina Gonçalves Vieira de Castro

Irisléia Pereira Soares de Sousa

Marielly Maria Almeida Moura

Mirna Ariane Taveira de Sousa e Souza

Isabela Oliveira Santos

Edson Hiydu Mizobutsi



The dry forest is characterized by presenting a seasonal rhythm qualified by leaf fall during the dry period followed by recovery of the plant canopy in the rainy season. In this environment, there are studies related to the plant characterization of the area, but its microbiota is little studied. Thus, the objective of this work was to carry out a survey of phytopathogenic and endophytic fungal species found in plant species of the dry forest of the microregion of Januária-MG. Plants with typical disease symptoms were collected and the fungi isolated in the laboratory. To obtain the endophytic fungi, healthy tissues were collected. Morphological analyses were implemented to characterize the genus. In addition, the mycelial growth velocity index, characterization of mycelial color and texture were calculated. Thirty-three colonies of phytopathogenic fungi and thirteen colonies of endophytic fungi were isolated from the thirteen plant species collected. It was possible to identify the phytopathogenic fungus of the genus Pestalotia sp in cashew (Anacardium humile), jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril) and parakeet (Cochlospermum orinocense) plants and the fungus Penicilium, endophytic in castor bean plants (Esenbeckia febrifuga).



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Amanda Dayanne Malta Matos, Michelle de Oliveira Santos , Luciele Barboza de Almeida , Martielle Batista Fernandes , Sabrina Gonçalves Vieira de Castro , Irisléia Pereira Soares de Sousa , Marielly Maria Almeida Moura , Mirna Ariane Taveira de Sousa e Souza , Isabela Oliveira Santos, Edson Hiydu Mizobutsi


  • Amanda Dayanne Malta Matos
  • Michelle de Oliveira Santos
  • Luciele Barboza de Almeida
  • Martielle Batista Fernandes
  • Sabrina Gonçalves Vieira de Castro
  • Irisléia Pereira Soares de Sousa
  • Marielly Maria Almeida Moura
  • Mirna Ariane Taveira de Sousa e Souza
  • Isabela Oliveira Santos
  • Edson Hiydu Mizobutsi