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Semiotics and language: A philosophical-linguistic vision

Darcilia Simões

Elizabeth Aparecida Hautz



This text talks about describing and interpreting the world and reality, inviting readers to think about the symbolic processes through which social scenarios and practices are constructed. Semiotics, Philosophy and Language are the indispensable tripod of the evolution of social models. Semiosis would be the fundamental process of building a universal spirit - of which Philosophy is the expression - that would allow communication between beings, understanding. It tries to identify the links between Semiotics and Philosophy of Language, so that we can seek to understand how to use the elements of these sciences to produce a fairer and more comfortable social paradigm for contemporary subjects. Linguistics is treated as a special kind of semiotics, whose exclusive object is human language. Semiotics, then, is understood not only as a science that investigates the production of meaning, but also, or mainly, as an intelligent paradigm for reading the world. The philosophy of language is responsible for understanding and interpreting communicative processes and their strategies used to negotiate meanings between the participants in the community in question, seeking to expand their meanings to the realm of human thinking-saying. Semiotics, Linguistics and Philosophy are thus articulated as observers of language and its events.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Darcilia Simões, Elizabeth Aparecida Hautz


  • Darcilia Simões
  • Elizabeth Aparecida Hautz