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Decoronation: A treatment option for teeth avulsed - Case report

Blaya MBG;
Weber A;
Righes D;
Buzatti A;
Palma VM

Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya

Alexandre Weber

Danielle Righes

Anielle Buzatti

Víctor de Mello Palma


Dental avulsion
Dental replantation
Root resorption
Dental ankylosis


Dental replantation is the first treatment option after dental avulsion. However, avulsed teeth often develop root resorption or ankylosis after replantation caused by the absence of the vital periodontal ligament on the root surface and inadequate tooth storage for the first 60 minutes. Trauma patients may have associated a history of malocclusion requiring treatment. When dealing with young patients, one option is the decoronation technique, where the tooth is sectioned at the level of the neck (the crown is removed and the root is left in the sockets) with the aim of supporting the bone, avoiding bone grafting in the future for the placement of dental implants. Thus, this study aims to review the literature on the subject and report a clinical case involving dental avulsion and decoronation and orthodontic and prosthetic treatment.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya, Alexandre Weber, Danielle Righes, Anielle Buzatti, Víctor de Mello Palma


  • Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya
  • Alexandre Weber
  • Danielle Righes
  • Anielle Buzatti
  • Víctor de Mello Palma