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The management of mental health in the Primary Health Care Network: An integrative review

Santos VC;
Pereira DC;
Bueno AL;
Farias GS;
Paiva MJM;
Kury RC;
Nunes RD;
Júnior TCO;
D’Alessandro WB;
D’Alessandro AAB

Vitor Celestino dos Santos

Dyego Cruz Pereira

Ana Luísa Bueno

Gabriel Santos Farias

Maykon Jhuly Martins de Paiva

Raisa Cabral Kury

Rodrigo Disconzi Nunes

Tulio Cesar de Oliveira Júnior

Walmirton Bezerra D’Alessandro

Aline Almeida Barbaresco D’Alessandro


Mental health
Primary attention


The management of psychotic disorders has always been an important topic of study in Medicine, and there are numerous ways to do so. Taking the perspective of Basic Health Care as a bias, these clinical conditions had their administration mechanisms modified over time. Therefore, the present research aimed to analyze the historical, epidemiological and organizational assumptions about the management of mental health cases in primary health care. From this angle, an integrative literature review on the administration of mental health in basic health care was created. That said, the descriptors “Humanization” were crossed; "Mental health"; “Primary Health Care”, in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Virtual Health Library (VHL) information bases. In this way, research has highlighted numerous ways of managing psychotic disorders in Primary Health Care, highlighting the historical composition of today's approach model, the relevance of humanization at this stage, the main conduct of Primary Care and the challenges inherent to the diagnosis of a mental disorder. Finally, it was demonstrated that there is a satisfactory interaction between the premises and precepts of Basic Health Care in the management of psychiatric disorders, which allows for care and more humanized and holistic care.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Vitor Celestino dos Santos, Dyego Cruz Pereira, Ana Luísa Bueno, Gabriel Santos Farias, Maykon Jhuly Martins de Paiva, Raisa Cabral Kury, Rodrigo Disconzi Nunes, Tulio Cesar de Oliveira Júnior, Walmirton Bezerra D’Alessandro, Aline Almeida Barbaresco D’Alessandro


  • Vitor Celestino dos Santos
  • Dyego Cruz Pereira
  • Ana Luísa Bueno
  • Gabriel Santos Farias
  • Maykon Jhuly Martins de Paiva
  • Raisa Cabral Kury
  • Rodrigo Disconzi Nunes
  • Tulio Cesar de Oliveira Júnior
  • Walmirton Bezerra D’Alessandro
  • Aline Almeida Barbaresco D’Alessandro